Although it was "tweaked" for 5.1 surround, the SACD was based on the original quadraphonic release. From repeated listening to the mix as presented on the SACD it appeared that like the SACD release of Deep Purple's Machine Head the rear channels of the original quadraphonic mix had been reversed. This channel reversal was most evident in the opening sound effects on Track 2 and the bass guitar on Track 5 which when properly aligned travels in a circle.
This conversion has been "untweaked" back to the original four channels with the rear channel configuration as originally released on the SACD.
Note: This is the same conversion that was originally posted in November 2014 and has not been changed.
Source: SACD
Converted to: DVD-A MLP 24/88.2, DVD-V DTS 24/48 & Dolby Digital 24/48